How to Make Waxing Less Painful
About 30 minutes prior to a wax, take an over-the-counter pain reliever. Whichever over-the-counter pain reliever you usually take — ibuprofen, paracetamol— can be taken about 30 minutes prior to waxing to help minimise the pain.
Take a yoga class before getting a Brazilian. If you want to go the whole way, I suggest being very flexible. Take a yoga class before a Brazilian because you’ll be more limber. The more flexible you are, the better the beautician can do. If the process goes faster, you’ll be in pain for less time.
Put a lightweight, soothing lotion in your fridge the night before your wax.
Once you decide to start waxing, you should stop shaving. Shaving hair makes it grow more dense, and the first time won’t be perfect. Once you wax, you have to commit to waxing. When your hair starts growing back, it won’t grow back as dense, which means waxing will be much less painful. Your first wax will take off hairs long enough at that point in time during a particular growing cycle. By the time you have your fourth consecutive wax without shaving in between, all the hair will be growing on the same pattern and cycle, which means you’ll be getting that super smooth skin you want.
Never get waxed right before or during your period. You’re super sensitive from about five days before through to the end of your period. Avoid any and all waxing at this time. Did you know that a woman’s pain tolerance is highest about three to four days after her period?
During an eyebrow wax at the salon, you shouldn’t be sitting completely upright. Ideally, you want to be laying down or angled backwards while you have your eyebrows waxed at the salon, otherwise you can get wax on your eyelashes or other parts of your eye, and you’ll have to use a ton of oil to get that off.
Have realistic expectations about the at-home products you use. You probably won’t get a perfect full leg or Brazilian wax unless you go to a salon. However, at-home strips for the face are amaze and can be great for small areas like the lip and chin.
Ask your beautician for a cold compress if your skin is sensitive. It can just be cold water right after a wax, or if you’re in a more upscale salon, there may be a soothing rose water toner available.